Thursday, January 25, 2007

Nakai's Journal (1): In the Quiet

I begin writing in this journal at the behest of Prelate Guylain, in hopes that it will help focus my thoughts in this undertaking he has bestowed upon me. I am unclear as to why he has asked me to accompany young Aisling and his protege, the dwarf Thorin, upon this endeavour. Aisling brims with the fiery idealism of youth, while Thorin is every bit the brash and reckless dwarf I have often encountered in my previous.. travels. I stated adamantly to the Prelate that I wished to remain in the Temple where I could concentrate on my studies in the clergy, but he would have none of it.

So it is, then. It is by the will of Torm that I serve.

Our mission is to rid one of Athkatla's outlying villages of an orc encampment that has been terrorising the natives with their raids. We spent the past few days in heated discussion with the tribal elders before the Queen Mother took a stand and assented to our offer of intervention. I am glad she decided thus, for what glory is there in battle? What honour is there to make widows out of loving wives, and orphans out of babes?

It is a wise decision that the Queen made. Better for three foreigners to fight on their behalf and mayhap die, rather than lay siege to the orc encampment where the heart of their strength resides, risking their wrath. This way, her people still have a glimmer of hope. To live. To continue.

Our small party has been blooded for the first time in this expedition earlier today. We had the misfortune of encountering a wayward patrol who were more intent on finding a napping spot than remaining alert of intruders. Risking the loss of our element of surprise if detected, we set upon them with weapons drawn. Thorin split an orcish helm near in twain with a throwing axe, while Aisling slashed another orc's throat open with his longsword. With my heavy mace I crushed the skull of the patrol leader. It was over as quickly as it had begun.

We were nearly undone for we had not noticed a last orc, who was straggling behind its companions. It was a stroke of luck that the paladin struck the orc in the throat with his arrow; if he hadn't, I would not be writing this now.

Tomorrow my companions and I will strike at the encampment and slay the orc captain. The night air is still and quiet, the moon is full and her stars fill the sky. This bodes well for us. We will fight, and by Torm none of us shall die.


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